Monday, February 3, 2020

Research paper Critique for Nursing medication administration and work

Critique for Nursing medication administration and work flow using computerized pysician order entry - Research Paper Example This paper describes the research of the impact of CPOE on medication errors. The target populations in this research were the nurses. The research tries to get the impact of CPOE systems on the nurse’s workflow. The nurses who were available for this study were those in pediatrics unit and emergency unit. The criteria for including nurses in the study are the essence of their past having to do increased work plus the medication errors committed by the nurses. The Institute of Medicine had filed an earlier report showing that nearly 7000 patients every year die due to medication errors. In minimizing medication errors and time wasted by nurses in the course of administering medications. In the study conducted by Dana, the author agrees to the fact that their exists advantages and disadvantages of the CPOE system on the nurses after its introduction to help reduce the nurses work flow. Research questions in this research are the impacts of CPOE system on the nurses’ workflow and the disadvantages of using Computerized Physician Order Entry system to the nurses. The author’s hypotheses this case is justifiable after realizing that the introduction of CPOE systems in hospitals led to minimal interaction between nurses and physicians. In terms of the literature review, the hypotheses were not related since the literature review entirely talked of the problems nurses experience before CPOE system the introduction while the theoretical rationale speaks of the impact the system had on the nurses.

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